Get Sleep Apnea Under Control When You Follow This Advice

Many people incorrectly assume that waking up tired each day is something they have to deal with without help. In reality, many could be suffering from sleep apnea without their realizing it. Reading the rest of this article will tell you much of what you should know regarding sleep apnea.

You may have success in treating your sleep apnea with a doctor-prescribed fitted mouth guard. Sleep apnea can be magnified in effects by small jaws and recessed chins, as well as breathing passageways that are naturally narrow. Specialty devices can alter your position during sleep and more properly align jaw elements, giving you a much higher quality rest.

Do you light up or knock some back every day? Stop these bad habits. Both of these things affect your airway negatively and compound your sleep apnea problem. When you smoke it causes swelling in your airways, and when consuming alcohol, your airway muscles tend to relax. That causes the symptoms of sleep apnea to worsen. If it’s too challenging to give up these habits entirely, you should at least avoid indulging in them as you approach your bedtime.

Try cutting out cigarettes and alcohol if you have sleep apnea. Both habits impact your respiratory system, complicating sleep apnea and snoring. Unlike having expensive surgery or other medical procedures, eliminating these harmful habits actually saves money for you.

Cut back on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol relaxes the muscles too much. That may be something people like when they drink, but it also can cause sleep apnea. If you must drink, keep it to just a few, and stop drinking well before bedtime. This will keep your throat muscles from relaxing excessively. If you must drink alcohol, consume it sparingly and at least a few hours before heading to bed.

Sleep apnea does have many causes and solutions. What you read today is a great starting point, and it gave you a solid foundation of knowledge about this condition, so pass to anyone who is dealing with this problem. Now, you have the keys to a better night’s sleep.

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