Organic Gardening Tips You Should Try Out!

Gardening can be extremely complex, especially when you examine all of its components. If you plan on gardening the natural way, you might have to understand certain complexities like the soil’s PH balance and bug fighting concoctions. Organic gardening can be quite challenging for anyone with limited experience. Be sure you can hang with even the pros by using the tips you learn from this article.

To prevent your plants’ systems from becoming shocked, you need to gradually transition them from higher to lower temperatures. Put them out in the sun for approximately one to two hours on the very first day. As time goes by, slowly increase the time they spent outdoors. Finally, after about a week, you should be able to move them outside and leave them there for the summer.

You must gradually introduce your plants to changing conditions and temperatures, so you do not shock them. Start by placing your plants outside for a few hours only. Over one week, gradually build up the amount of hours you leave the plants outside. After a few more days, your plants will be more resistant and ready to stay outside all the time.

Keeping your garden soil rich and healthy is the best way to discourage garden pests. Healthy plants grown in robust and enriched soil have an advantage in fighting pest infestation. Start your garden off with a high-quality soil that you can enrich over time.

Grow some wheat grass or catnip for your cat to eat instead. Alternatively, you can try putting mothballs, citrus peel or anything else with an odor that cats find distasteful in the soil surrounding the plants.

Now, you shouldn’t get your hopes up and believe that a few tips are going to turn you into an instant professional gardener. However, these tips are a great starting point if you do plan to grow organically. As you implement these tips and hone your skills, you’ll be a professional green-thumb-holder in no time.

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